Sunday, December 11, 2011

A year full of concessions maybe a sign of one point...yes...I am weak...there are many things which I am capable of...but there are more which I am not...on the flip side...conceding means accepting or realizing there are better things to achieve and moving on basically...

It seems 2011 had already reach its reminisce the events for this seems unbelievable that a year had just flew by...just like THAT...I would say...again as most years do...this is one of the most turbulent years EVER...these comments are seasonal I know...but at least the explanation underlying the comment might pique your curiosity....

Let me just highlight a little bit of introduction about what I think 2011 had been for started off sombre...and enlightening as we proceed...witnessing a volatile fluctuation in the middle of the year..the later half of the year...the graph went through a downward trend...and with some efforts and rebounds towards the end of the how much we will have to wait until next year...

Set aside the enthusiastic way of elaborating things...basically...why it was a challenging year is was full of uncertainties...

Suddenly...I don't have the mood to do a summary for the year...maybe too soon for that...until then...enjoy says all that needs to said from me...


  1. haha..full of uncertainties..mmg betul tu azzam.tapi takpe,yg penting kita sedar kesalahan kita yg lepas.It is not what happened to us,it is what we do about it.we can't direct the wind,but we can adjust our sail. ^_^

  2. thanx nas...hala tuju still samar2...huhu...tape...bersyukur dgn jalan yg dituju...
