Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nikmat Hidup

The fact I'm using mother tongue shows how serious I am...hee...

Oh...nikmat hidup...macam2 nikmat...the way I'm feeling right now...setiap nikmat tu sangatlah berharga...just being healthy for example...hari tu demam pun rasa macam nak mati dah...walaupun saya tak tau dahsyatnya rasa was so intense to the point I feel "is this life?"....the fact is...IT IS...Saya tak tau macam mana lagi nak ungkapkan perasaan ni...hidup ni memang tak rasa macam dulu...Kalau dulu rasa hidup macam straight to the point sangat...hidup, happy2...friends,family,education n job,wealth n health...nothing else much that I gave more thought about...

Now, the reality of life,...iaitu kematian rasa sangat dekat...rasa macam dah tak ada penghadang or anything stopping me from thinking out of it...there's no reason to pun...Kita harus sedar yang hidup ini hanyalah untuk beribadat kepada Allah...

So, in the process, I feel the bliss of the things I have in life...walaupun ada certain nikmat or things yang dah hilang from me...maybe this is a sign....I gave so much thought thinking about why the things have happenned...or the things I noticed...and I try to keep it at positive tone...I want to be able to face anything at all...with ease....not worrying...just content with keeping the right values with me...

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